Thursday, October 13, 2016

Kinesthetic Charisma

How do you make acquire and build "presence?"

How do you acquire and build "charisma?"

Well, some maybe born with it, some learn it naturally by watching, by osmosis.

I have studied it by watching people, by studying a role model teacher of mine and, of course, from studying communication, leader-speakers and from the school of NLP-Neuro Linguistic Programming.

This video doesn't talk much about the concepts but gets you right into "doing" things. Doing things with your mindset and behavior.

Of course, there's a lot more behind all this and there's a million other things that we need to "DO" to BE what we want to be-charismatic and HAVE presence when amongst others.

This chat is a peep into a workshop I run called, InSpire Like a CEO

Role Model Teacher:

InSpire Like a CEO :

My books:

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